Laura Ross

Certified and Registered Yoga Teacher

Yoga and meditation has completely transformed my life.

I am forever grateful for this sacred and ancient practice which has allowed me to heal deep wounds. I discovered yoga in 2002 and found it to immediately awaken me spiritually, emotionally and physically.

I received my teaching certification through Bhumi's Yoga and Wellness Center and have been teaching since 2005. I love to share yoga with anyone willing to open themselves up to this healing, sacred, and transformational practice.

In addition to sharing yoga, my husband and I own and operate Cleveland Vegan Catering, Cafe & Bakery. We also have 3 children (our biggest teachers) - Eli, Simone & Hugo. They help me practice patience, love and acceptance every day.

I am so thankful to the wonderful teachers that have inspired me and continue to move me in my life and my teachings.

Why yoga? Well without yoga, I might be insane. Ha, not really insane.. but not nearly as joyful and happy as I am today. Yoga has offered me tools to move through this life more effortlessly and joyfully!

What makes you come alive? Many things contribute to my livelihood, but some of the top ones are spending time with my children, movement, and traveling.

3 words to describe your teaching style... simple, authentic, meditative.

Life before yoga... I had a lot of anxiety before this healing practice.

Life After yoga... Freedom from anxiety, more restful sleep, and I am more aware and focused in my day to day life.

What is in my backpack... lots of stuff and nothing too exciting but couldn't be without my lip balm.

What impact do you want to leave on the world? I hope to impart on those in my life that life need not be suffering. Simple practices such as yoga can provide such clarity and joy. And my wish is to be able to help others discover these beautiful practices.