Allyson Baird
Certified and Registered Yoga Teacher
What lifts your heart… seeing our lemon tree grow lemons after FIVE years of love
The best time of day is... when the sun comes up!
How we unwind... getting a pedicure after a good sweat.
Favorite place to shop locally... walking the aisles of Heinens
My Hero... Gigi (my mama and violet's grandma) because now that im a mom, i have so much gratitude and perspective on all she did for me.
What makes us come alive... deep belly laughs so hard it makes tears of joy.
Most inspiring book... Violet's--i am yoga. Allyson's--the universe has your back
The best thing about yoga is... the opportunity to teach kids the beauty of yoga with my own kid!
We wish for... a magical paintbrush where all our drawings come to life!
Our favorite hot beverage... hot cocoa with extra mallows