The sneaky beast, aka self-doubt, is hiding in the corner, silently scoffing, rolling its yellow eyes as I once again lift up my head and heart and stand tall in somewhat contrived confidence.
a cleanse.
When I found yoga, it was medicine for my soul that healed me in ways I never thought possible.
you. revisited.
What I am sharing below was inspired by that entry and in a way, version 2.0 of the original.
truly grateful.
To feel truly grateful is one of the most intoxicating and powerful feelings possible for humans.
it's contagious.
We can invest in our own health and well-being and know that as we care for ourselves, everyone around us is inspired, on some level, to do the same.
the foundation.
Yoga is the thing, if we keep up with it, allows us to do all of the other things!
fall back into yoga.
One of the things I love most about this time of year is returning to my routines.
a yoga mindset.
There are so many micro ways that our yoga practice sneaks into the fabric of our being and surprises us in moments like these…
the exhale.
We have all experienced the feeling of indescribable ease at the end of an exhale as we lay down to rest in savasana.
stay supple.
The quality of suppleness can be found meeting in the middle of strength and grace.
Notice what you choose to pay attention to today and if you find yourself fixated on something not in alignment with what you want to see more of, shift your attention.