Today I am pulling forward a Daily Bliss from June. It’s not a rerun, just worthy remembrance of the power in elevated emotions, like gratitude. Some of our most important work in life is remembering and reminding - ourselves and each other. I am grateful today for all of you who remind me to keep writing and keep teaching and keep sharing the love ❤️ Thank you 🙏
June 26, 2020
We know from experience that when we are experiencing elevated emotions (thankfulness, ebullience, generosity), everything feels better and we have more energy to be of service to the world around us.
It is a simple concept and we know for certain it is true. And yet often, we spend a great deal of time managing emotions that are low energy (dread, fear, frustration).
The frequency of our elevated emotions impacts every aspect of our being. Not only do we feel better in the moment, we are improving our inner environment and literally generating higher amounts of energy in the body.
As we enter into thankfulness, ebullience, generosity, we are actually energizing our entire being to be more alert & present, to heal the body’s weaknesses.
It is worthy of our time and attention to identify what practices, people, places, passages, meditations, breath work, food, etc. elevate our emotions.
Not only are we healthier beings in the elevated state, but the quality of our work and our offerings to the world, are directly related to our internal, emotional state.
Let’s get after that uplifted, elevated state today!