
If you are receiving this, you have more than likely experienced a breathing practice. You have felt the power of your breath. You know intimately the feeling of taking a deep breath in and then letting it all go. You have felt the breath, like a magic wand, relax your entire nervous system. You have felt the anchor & the wings, the measure & the miracle, and the expansion & contraction at the hands of the breath. You know the breath heals and creates ease where there was unrest.

This is just a reminder.


Big love, Tammy

Thursday, November 5 Class Spaces

  • 9:15 AM – 10:15 AM HOT Powerful Flow Katie Brown Rocky River

  • 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM HOT Powerful Flow Meghan Wotsch Westlake - 5 spaces

  • 11:15 AM – 12:15 PM Yoga Flow for All Levels Sally Brooks Rocky River - 5 spaces

  • 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM Slow Flow Kim Rush Westlake - 5 spaces

  • 5:30 PM – 06:30 PM HOT Powerful Flow Kim Rush Westlake - 3 spaces

  • 6:00 PM – 07:00 PM HOT Powerful Flow Laura Hlebovy Rocky River - 2 spaces

  • 7:30 PM – 08:30 PM Slow Flow Abbey Spiro Westlake - 3 spaces



