
Over the last 3 months many students and team members have shared what they miss about being together, at the studio.

We all seem to miss many of the same things: the feeling of being together, the teachers, the sound of the breath, the sounds of OM together, the music, the feel of the floor on our feet, the heat, the community, the conversations, and so many other visceral details that we are aware of consciously.

I believe there is one thing we all miss but we may not be aware of or at least not completely aware of in this moment. I believe that a piece of the magic cultivated by breathing and moving together, is the collective inspiration to expand past perceived limitations. When I feel you stretching past where you thought you could go and grow, I am urged onward by my human connection to you, to do the same. When I feel you rising up, even if I can’t see you, I am inspired to do the same. When I feel you falling apart, letting go, surrendering to something bigger, I am inspired to do the same. Somehow when we are all on our own mats, together, we remind each other of who we can be beyond the previous confines of our thoughts.

In short, we inspire each other.

Please come and inspire me. I will do my best to do the same for you.

Big love,



