I am unsure where I first learned this, but I know it to be true: “The tighter we are, the more easily we fatigue”.
When we are bound up by tension, constricted by fear, tight due to habitual patterns or even restricted by an unwillingness to stretch our heads, hearts & bodies, we fatigue easily.
Yoga reminds us that the stretch, or reaching past where we land on auto-pilot, enlivens our entire being. When we push past the tightness, even when it is uncomfortable, we land in a feeling of expansiveness.
When we do not settle for tightness and we relentlessly pursue expansiveness, loads of energy becomes available. It was always there, but now we can access it.
Tight does not equal strong. Rigid does not equal power.
See that you move towards a quality of suppleness, fluidity and expansiveness.
Think in new ways.
Talk about new ideas.
Act from a new inspiration.
As you embrace stretching, the tightness will leave you and freedom will find you.
Big love,