Gear Up for the Holidays!

  1. ArcAncients aromatherapy oils - sinus relief and breathing easy blends, $16.50 ea.
  2. S'well water bottle - $35.00
  3. Liquido Active tank - $39.00
  4. Liquido Active crop pant - $83.00
  5. Foot Traffic super long leg warmers - $24.00
  6. Little Birdie hand knit scarf - $34.00
  7. IBY - blue give pullover sweatshirt - $55.00
  8. Max Strom book A Life Worth Breathing - $14.95
  9. Max Strom book There Is No App For Happiness - $22.95
  10. lululemon - The Mat 5mm $68.00


These featured boutique items were hand selected by IBY Inventory Manager Kara Powers, whose smiles bring light and cheer to our students as they walk through the doors! 










The Real Cost of Busyness


Yoga and The Leadership Track