International Day of Yoga, Bring a New Friend for Free!
International Day of Yoga: June 21, 2015
Inner Bliss invites you to bring a new friend to our studio on June 21 for a complimentary class to introduce him or her to the healing benefits this practice offers.
Please choose a friend who is new to Inner Bliss. The intention is to offer and spread the practice to those who are unfamiliar with it around the globe. Maybe Dad in honor of Father's Day?
The United Nations has declared June 21 as the International Day of Yoga. It is Sadhguru’s vision to make this day into a major offering of yoga and a possibility for people of all age groups, religions, nationalities and social backgrounds to experience meditativeness, expanding their perception of life from individuality to universality.
“The only way to experience true
wellbeing is to turn inward.
This is what yoga means –
not up, not out, but in.
The only way out is in.”
Hear Sadhguru's voice and wise and informative words about YOGA in the above video beginning at the 9:15 time mark.