The Wandering Yogi: Yoga SRQ in Sarasota, FL
My latest wander led me to yoga studio in Sarasota, Florida at Yoga SRQ.
I took a Powerful Flow class with the owner Robin.
What a darling studio experience this was! From the moment I walked in to the eclectic boutique I was welcomed with warmth from the staff. The studio space itself was spacious, airy and light. I paid the 17.00 drop in and shopped a bit while waiting for class to begin.
After settling on a spot at the front of the room on my mat (they have mats you can borrow free of charge) the 75 minute class begun with the song "Changes" which takes me back to my youth. Right away I was excited to begin.
Robin started with a few forward folds and sun salutations to warm the body. Each time she wanted us at the top of our mat she would say "Top of your mattress" How cute is that? I giggled every time she said it.
“Make the breath your Guru.
She was very funny throughout the whole class with stories about when she first started to practice yoga herself back in NY. One story stuck with me as she talked about how loud it was in one of her very first classes. In her story a whole class walked out in frustration because "it was too loud to do yoga." This made me laugh since I could relate. When I first began to practice I had many reasons to walk away and I remember being irritated by scenarios like Robin's. I had no idea that loud noises were simply distractions, and distractions are a part of life. Stay. Breathe.
The class was very solid and felt good in my body, it consisted of many twists, forward folds and long holds. We stood for most of the class and moved deliberately yet slowly with many long holds before making our way to the floor.
She left us with their studio mantra: Breathe, Feel, Heal. She explained, "The more we breathe, the more we can feel and when we feel, we can heal." She's right!
Beach yoga is very popular in Florida, but if you are looking to practice in a sacred space with 4 walls, do yourself a favor and visit Yoga SRQ the next time you are in Sarasota.