30 Day Yoga Renewal
How would you feel if you practiced yoga every single day?
Join us from June 1st to June 30th to COMMIT and REDEFINE your yoga practice!
The Renewal journey, led by Kara Powers, offers yogis the opportunity to explore a daily practice at a significant discount, along with the benefits expressed listed below from past 30 Day Yoga Renewal participants.
The Details:
- 30 day yoga renewal, purchase 30 classes for $199
- Classes are activated on June 1 and expire on June 30 (sorry, NO extensions)
- Pass is valid for any regular class on the schedule (Not valid for workshops)
- Pass is valid to practice ONCE daily, NOT twice daily for 15 days instead, for example
- Pass is not the same as a 30-class pass
“I did not expect to gain friends as a result of my daily yoga practice but I really did! We formed a sort of community and it was fun to connect with my fellow yogis at Inner Bliss. Plus the people who work at the studios, teachers and staff, are so friendly; I love seeing their smiles every day! I felt very welcome every single visit. ”
“I am honestly very proud of following through with the 30-day commitment. It was not easy to make the time for a daily practice but I’m SO glad I did.”
“Going to yoga everyday gently forced me into a daily state of mindfulness, even for just a little while, which has really changed my perspective on so many things. I am so grateful. ”
“My body enjoyed the great workout benefits of yoga; strength, flexibilty and endurance. Even cardio. I look better and feel better as a result.”
“Practicing everyday allowed me to form a deeper connection to my body. I now know what fascia and connective tissue is, and pay attention to all my fingers and toes during yoga.”
“The $199 offer allowed my to be able to afford practicing every day. I’m signing up again right now.”