“Sunday evening is the perfect time to come down from the weekend, pause and get grounded for the new week ahead. Yin allows me to settle in my body, feel more deeply and be guided by the wisdom of the teacher.”
— A regular yogi seeking greater flexibility
“I love the use of props so I can just settle into the pose.”
Beginning on September 9th, join us every Sunday evening from 6:30pm-8:00pm at our Westlake studio for Restorative Yin Yoga with rotating teachers.
“I have only ever taken Sally’s RYY class and she is the best. I love everything about it. Dimmed lights, soothing music, Sally’s heavenly hands-on assists & her continual reminders to breath deeply.... all of these things are what keeps me coming back. I can come to class a stressed, knotted ball of yarn and leave the room feeling so peaceful, like I am floating. It is my favorite class.”
— Stressed out, seeking relief and calm
“Yin yoga is a gift. The restoration process begins in the first minute with Sally setting the tone with her kind instruction, thoughtful music and wise musings. 60 minutes pass in a blink. You exit class feeling calmer and improved.”