Virtual Mini Experience Starts Sept 13
We can all benefit from a sense of accountability and a community right now — The Experience offers both.
“We are what we repeatedly do.”
Sometimes we need the path cleared for us and then we can walk it. It’s hard for us to be grounded and committed at this moment. It appears to us that many people are out of balance with their movement and what they are consuming both in their bodies and in their minds.
We will concentrate in this Experience on a retreat away from social media and news sources. We will immerse into some books to read during this time and have some daily journal prompts.
Clarity and lightness comes from The Experience, both in body and mind. We clear out the clutter and the toxic stuff that gets stuck or that we don't even realize we hold on to.
Welcome to our 25th Experience: September 13 - September 20, 2020
Our 7-Day Experience includes 5 yoga practices (virtual or in studio), 7 happy mails to keep you inspired, one mid-week zoom gathering and all the support you need to press reset and begin again. Fee: $79
YOGA: 5 days of yoga practice (virtual or in studio) with our inspired teachers over the 5 days & one day of your own, at home practice.
WHOLE: Feed your body with WHOLE foods making delicious, life-affirming choices from veggies, fruit, nuts, fresh fish & meat, food that is unprocessed and natural.
MEDITATE & LISTEN: Sit still and breathe for 5-10 minutes each day. Listen to your body. Notice. Do your best.
GIVE: Do something once a day to give back: Buy someone coffee, leave someone a love note, go out of your way to help someone in need. Find a way to give.
HYDRATE: Drink a half-gallon of water each day. Limit caffeine to one beverage each day. Consume no alcohol or soda/pop for the 7 days.
GRATITUDE PRAYER: A practice of getting still & saying your own gratitude prayer/offering prior to eating your meals or after, if you forget.
RITUALS: Tammy will introduce additional rituals to enhance not only your Experience, but your life after the 7 days.
ZOOM Meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 16 at 7:30 pm for 30-45 minutes.
Note: you will need to download the zoom app to participate in the mid-week meeting.
NOTE: Classes included in the Experience expire on September 20, 2020.