rest today.

Try to rest today.
Rest your mind.
Rest your body.
Rest your energy.
Rest your spirit.

The rest doesn’t have to look like doing nothing or sleeping or sitting and scrolling or even a nap. Rest can be a simple deep breath in and long breath all the way out. Rest can be closing your eyes for one minute and feeling into your bodily sensations or simply letting your mind rest on a beautiful thought for moments at a time. The rest could be taking a walk outside without your phone or taking a rest from the news. Rest could be a 5 minute savasana anywhere. The rest is just any period of time that allows us to shift out of doing and into being.

Rest a s a noun defined.

1.. an instance or period of relaxing or ceasing to engage in strenuous or stressful activity.

Try to rest today.

And remember, you are amazing.

Maybe I will see you in River this morning at 9:15 for flowing practice and extra long savasana:)

Big 💛,


8 Classes for $88 in October!


working on.