Sound Bath and Yoga Nidra with Sally - Saturday, December 16

Sound Bath and Yoga Nidra with Sally - Saturday, December 16, 7:00-8:15pm in River. $25

Our Rocky River studio will become a Sanctuary of Sound filled with the dreamy, healing vibrations of quartz crystal singing bowls, gong, intuitive vocals, drums, and many other novel instruments.

You may choose to lie in Savasana, sit in meditation, or practice restorative/yin yoga poses of your choice. This event includes a Yoga Nidra practice, which is a powerful guided meditation done while lying on the ground (or sitting in a chair if you are unable to lie on the floor.)

Please bring your own props, blanket, meditation cushion, or folding chair if you think you will need them.

For questions, please email Sally at


Blissful Books Holiday Celebration! Wednesday, December 13


Blissful Books: Beyond the Book with Jackie & Katie - Wednesday January 3