Kahrin Spear

Using her shamanic drum, flute, rattle, rain stick, voice and channeled lyrics, Kahrin's intention is to guide you to the still water—the reservoir of bliss that waits for you.

Bring a pillow, blanket, or anything else to nurture your body for a peaceful journey within.

I find peace in nature… under the pines.

I do sound healing… for the children.

I find peace by… singing and playing guitar.

I have been most influenced by… my loving parents.

Some of favorite snacks are… fruit, coffee + croissant.

I am happiest when… I take care of myself.

When I’m not at inner bliss you might find me… recording + performing the songs I’ve written.

My favorite mantra is… I love myself.

Every day I… say thank you.

Kahrin’s Sound Healing Class Schedule

Private Sound Healing Sessions

Fill out the form below to schedule your private session with Kahrin!