The Listening
So much of our discontent or even sadness, can come from not feeling seen and heard.
It is helpful to remember every now and then that research suggests as human beings, once our basic needs of food, water and shelter are met, our next greatest need is to be seen and heard.
We could then ask, are we listening to our our bodies, our own internal compass or intuition?
We can easily become disassociated from our bodily feedback as we get distracted by all of what is happening on the outside world. As that disconnection with our bodies grows, we can fall into patterns and habits that sabotage our greatest human needs.
Becoming disconnected from our bodies can lead to living on processed food, drinking alcohol everyday, too much caffeine and not enough water, not moving our bodies regularly, letting stress eat away at our energy and on and on.
The Experience encourages us, even urges us to listen closely. In many ways The Experience is based on listening to our own bodily sensations as a guiding force that leads us to hearing the our own voice within. As we cultivate this active role as a listener to our own inner needs, we become better listeners in general and become the one who sees and hears.
Though the 7 practices of The Inner Bliss Experience, we learn to listen to our bodies so closely that the mindless habits of processed food, too much alcohol, too much caffeine, not enough movement, negative self talk and a lack of turning within, fall away and we build new life-affirming habits that move us towards feeling strong, uplifted and lighter!
The bonus in all of that is as we learn to listen to our own bodies and our own intuition, we come better listeners in general and everyone in our lives benefits!
You never know the impact you can have on a life, maybe your own, just by showing up present and listening well.