
As I was holding space for savasana yesterday at the end of class and looked out at y’all resting and restoring, I was overcome with gratitude for the community that has held space for us.

For you all who open and read my writing each day and those students who have been coming to practice (in studio or virtually) since we reopened in June, I am filled to my crown chakra with appreciation.

Our Inner Bliss community, almost 19 years old, is full of stories. People meeting on the mat and becoming long time friends, students meeting at the studio and getting married, people discovering common business interests and many of you sharing heart opening moments with each other pre & post-practice.

To me, a community is held in the palms of coming together exactly as you are and being willing to show up, open up and fill up as you inspire others around you to do the same. We, have built a community that has withstood time and will withstand Covid, stronger on the other side. We will continue to build a culture of resilience, kindness and heart-opening moments for all of us to forge ahead with strength and compassion.

Thank you, for not just being part of the community, but being the leaders who show up to urge us all onward!

Big love,



