
I am sure I have written about this before, but all good things deserve revisiting over and over.

One of our teachers, Claire Kaufman, often closes her classes with a phrase or for me, a mantra, that speaks me into an undeniable feeling of courageous hopefulness. The kind of hopeful that maybe there isn’t significant data to support, but there is belief that somehow overrides the data.

The kind of hopeful that turns it’s back on the naysayers and broadly grins into the present moment, urging us onward. It’s that good.

Claire says in her beautiful voice, “Expect great things to happen to you and through you.”

For me, it’s a profound moment to shift my thoughts of what I have determined to be standing in my way, seeing past them and simply infusing my expectations with greatness. To suddenly believe that not only can the great happen in my life, but I can affect the great others may experience, through me.

Head up, heart open. Expect great things to happen to you and through you today.

Onward courageous beings.

Big love,



