
This is a season of many things.

Candy canes, glittery lights, the smells of pine and cookies, fires and rosemary. Gifts and packages, dinners and decorating.

Much of what this season usually is, is different this year. But one of my favorite parts to this season, is the stories and they can still be told. There is something about the holidays that urges me back to stories of the years before… remember when, OMG that was so funny, 10 years ago…

it’s just human loveliness to tell the good stories, to remember and share.

This year is unlike any other, but we can tell the good stories of before and listen and laugh and cry and laugh some more and remember. Stories and the memories they evoke are like an awesome yoga practice for our hearts - bending and stretching, strengthening and expanding, twisting and turning and folding in and opening up, going upside and standing up straight.

Tell some good stories these next few days and listen the ones shared by your people.

Big love,



