
We had a dance party on our mats last night in the 6pm class in River!

It was all of these things: hilarious, uplifting, awkward, sweaty, freeing, fun, uncomfortable, singing, arms in the air, silly, engaging, elevating and energizing! We hooted and hollered and got our heads out of the way so our hearts could burst open!

I committed in my mind to the whole song (50 ways to say good-bye by Train) but half way through, my mind started the “negotiation” process… "not everyone likes this, some students are uncomfortable, they must think I am crazy, maybe I should end it and get back to yoga, wait this is yoga”… about there I ended the negotiations and turned up the music louder and remembered this is medicine for our spirits, the energy is building and I will forge ahead for the remainder of the song as the leader of this dance party and the holder of space for this practice of letting go.

I made this decision from my heart. If my mind would have won, I would have backed down from the fun. I would have let my doubts and worries win.

In reflection, I wonder how often we miss out by letting the head, the mind, the doubts and the worries win? It’s worthy of contemplation.

We need energizing, uplifting fun right now - it’s medicine for our spirits! Turn on your favorite music anywhere - even if it is in your car - and have your own dance party!

Big love,



