We are contagious beings
While we spread viruses, we are also capable of spreading overflowing goodness, fearless strength, hysterical laughter, fierce determination and so much more.
We spread stories and tales of the good rising up over the evil and love winning against all odds. Yes, we are contagious beings, and we can spread faith over fear and courage over crazy and love over loss.
Today, try in as many ways as you can find, to spread the goodness! If we are in an open-hearted state, spreading goodness is very accessible. Even in the midst of a pandemic.
Practice: Open your heart practice (shared from Max Strom’s book, A Life Worth Breathing)
Sit still with a tall spine and close your eyes. Feel your heart beating. Palms face up. Breathe deeply so that you can feel your breath but also hear it. Relax your jaw, your shoulders and the skin on your face. Broaden your chest. Bring your mind to rest on your inhales and exhales.
“While you breathe deeply, try expanding your chest on every inhale. The chest is the most difficult area of the body to open. You may think your hamstrings are the tightest, but for most people the the region of the heart is energetically the tightest. The heart is emotionally constricted. It is the area we protect. It is the area where the emotional healing work needs to be done.”
Do this practice with everyone in your house you can convince and open your heart. We are all better in an open hearted state. Right now, we need to be our best for each other & spread the love over the fear.
Thank you for welcoming me into your home today! I believe in you. I believe in us.
Big love,