It's who you get to become.

Our yoga practice teaches us that it is not about what we get, it is really all about who we get to become.

Who we evolve into as we are put in the fire, faced with the mountain in front of us that we must climb.

The work is never really about what we get for the effort, but who we are molded into through the process of the work.

Remembering this now is useful.

We are all becoming more resourceful, resilient and remarkable right now, in this very moment. Our awareness has expanded and we are seeing everything differently.

Keep up the good work! I feel your efforts and urge you onward! As your work is intentional, my work is inspired. As you greet the day and the uncertainties with an open heart, I am moved to do the same.

Thank you.

Big love, Tammy


Light A Candle.
