A powerful practice that moves us towards our best life
Mantra work is a simple practice that has profound effects.
A mantra can be a word or a phrase that initiates an uplifting energy that pulls us in a direction that we desire to go.
It begins in the positive, or affirmative and then moves even closer in the desired direction. So for example, if your desire was to live a healthier lifestyle, your mantra could be "I'm healthy, getting healthier."
If you were desiring more patience in your relationships, your mantra could be "I'm patient, becoming more patient."
So often our thought patterns are in direct conflict with our desires. Maybe we desire more time or the perception of more time - yet our thoughts are "I don't have enough time."
What we think, we manifest in our life.
I am sharing with you from experience, this practice of Mantra WORKS! I promise! So simple, so powerful.
Design your empowering MANTRA today!
This is the prefect time to create new patterns, new rituals, new ways of being.
Big love, Tammy