we know.

An excerpt from my journal entry on July 2019:

Yoga can be mistaken as a practice to stretch out our thighs or to heal our backs or open our hips. Sometimes yoga is perceived as a practice to calm down or relax. But all of us - if you are reading this you are an “us,” we know that we practice to become better humans.

To become better at being human. To train to be the kind of human being that is ready to rise up when called upon. To prepare for the moments we are asked to be more than we ever thought we could be.

We come to the mat day after day to practice for those moments we are called forth to radiate love when fear is overwhelming, those moments when the heaviness is suffocating and we must stand tall, the moments when our hearts are breaking and somehow we have to keep letting the light in and sharing it back out.

We can do this.

Big love,



