
I have practices in place that I am committed to - morning meditation, morning pages (writing and reflecting) and a run outside (not fast or far), my yoga practice, and some other “in the moment” work I continually return to (gratitude, forgiveness, deep breathing, expansiveness focus, etc).

I read uplifting material regularly and try to eat well. Yet here I am, falling apart.

Here I am, feeling overwhelmed and incredibly sad. I cried in the parking lot of Heinen’s after a hard conversation. I cried, different tears, walking into Heinen’s and seeing a devoted student that I miss terribly. I cried in Heinen’s because no one smiles or speaks because they can’t, due to their facemasks. I cried on the way home from Heinen’s because I have so many questions, my brain cannot catalog all of them. Then I sat in my driveway and talked to a good friend who listened well and reminded me with her open heart, that love wins. Every single time.

I will get up tomorrow and I will return to my practices that lift me up and raise my energy. The practices that remind me of my wholeness. I will begin again because I know that this being human is not a race to perfection. I will remember that my only work is to love more. And I can do that.

I share this, because I want you to know, you are not alone.

Return to your practices and the things that bring to a feeling of wholeness. Begin again as many times as you need to begin. Keep on loving more.

Big love,



