
It’s a new dawn, a new day.

New is a different, maybe a more productive way to describe our current state. New is not always easy and is often not comfortable.

But new, lays the groundwork for greater awareness. If you take a new route to a familiar place, you notice all of the landmarks, you pay attention to the directions with a sense of curiosity. A new path is often appreciated more than the destination itself.

New, wakes us up to the moment and gives us a chance to be different.

This is a new time. An invitation to be new in the moment and discover new…in so many ways.

New habits

New schedules

New hair

New time

New ways of communicating

New ways to relate

New feels

New practices

New you.

As a yoga teacher I have worked to develop new ways to encourage students into their bodies, new ways to move our hearts open, new threads of poses and breath. When I stay in the innovative nature of new, the hard seems less hard.

Explore what is new for you.

Big love,




