In Search of Gratitude.
Gratitude comes in all shapes and sizes. This shape is beautiful.
Shared by teacher, Sarah Scott:
Most of us have experienced the profound effects of practicing gratitude and how it can shift our entire state in just a few minutes. A daily gratitude practice allows us to live in a place of feeling abundantly full and seeing all of the good that surrounds us. But how we approach this practice can significantly heighten the impact it has on us.
Try this: take a pause in any moment and name three things you are grateful for, but make them the smallest things you can think of and the less obvious things. When our mind lands on the more obvious things, like family or our home, we stay in a place of what we already know. When we start to search for the little things around us, like a small pop of color on the grayest of days from a new Spring flowering blooming, our mind begins to look for the good.
When we do this practice several times throughout the day, we begin to look for the good in every moment, even the times that we feel the most challenged. This simple practice of gratitude pulls us out of our fears and into an overall state of greater happiness.
How do you practice gratitude? Share, please!
Big love,