
We have heard it a million times, just try.

Just try this new food, just try this exercise, just try to relax, just try to do it differently, just try to be kind, try this new product, and so on.

Remember in “Green Eggs and Ham,” Dr. Seuss spends a whole book with Sam-I-Am urging Daniel to try the green eggs and ham! And when he finally tries them, he actually likes them!

It turns out, the act of trying is like a giant mental weight training session for us humans. Trying, expands our perspective and our range of possibilities. Trying moves us out of stagnation and into expansion.

We can try hard, we can try easy, we can try new things or try to do it differently. We can try to be kind and we can try to listen well. We can try to find answers and we can try to breathe. The act of trying expands our heart, trains our brain and grows our creativity. Today, let’s just try.

Big love,



