
When we teach, we learn. What we teach, we integrate. Who we teach, wins. We, the teacher, wins.

We are all uplifted by the very act of teaching and being taught. It’s actually one of the most beautiful things in our world.

The very nature of teaching - sharing material we believe in, is act of love in an of itself. All involved, win big. The information shared, the emotions exchanged, the energy built and the being part of something bigger (the experience itself), is magic.

I urge you today, to teach someone something - in person or virtually - something close to your heart.

Your favorite cookie recipe, how to knit, how to write a paragraph, your meditation practice, your organizational tactics, your problem solving skills, how to change the oil in your car…the list is seriously, endless.


Forge ahead today and be the teacher.

Those of you out there teaching our kids (of all ages) every day - in the midst of a pandemic - in spite of, because of, no matter what. THANK you. Your teaching - always - but especially now, is an act of love. Greater than we can realize in any given moment.

Big, giant love y’all!

Tammy ♥️



