
Defined, antidote is a medicine taken or given to counteract a particular poison.

If we can determine the poison that is causing the suffering, we can come up with the antidote.

The level of fear, anxiety and anger has risen. We can feel it, It is actually palpable. And it is contagious.

But the antidote is accessible. The antidote is looking into the eyes of someone you love deeply and feeling your sacred heart open. It is feeling the balmy summer air on your skin. The antidote is your yoga mat and favorite pair of sweatpants, the sound of your kids laughing or your dog’s soft fur. Chocolate chip cookies, the sun rising, your favorite book.

In any moment, the medicine to fear, anxiety, anger is inviting thankfulness to invade our entire being. It can be irritating how simple it is but a relief when we practice it.

I am thankful you are reading my writing. I am thankful to get a chance everyday to share the written word.

Find a way to get grateful today.





let go.