let go.

Last night almost 100 yogis gathered outside, 6 feet apart, on the plaza of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame to breathe in our city and move together. My heart burst open.

At a time when we are all wondering where we are headed and how this can all be happening and feeling an expanse of uncertainty, it’s amazing medicine to be together and return to a practice that unites us.

To remind each other, we can do hard things.

To listen to the music that elevates our soul.

To lift each other up.

To stand together and see the good.

It was so good last night, we are returning each Tuesday evening at 6 pm.

The first song last night was a live version of “Bad,” recorded from the U2 concert held 3 years ago in the Browns stadium. As the song begins, Bono speaks. His words resonate as he says “our prayer for this evening… a night when we (must) hold tight to what lifts us up… a night of surrendering to music… a night to let it go.”

We all let something go last night - maybe some fear, maybe some doubt, maybe some angst - we let it go into the evening air and remembered what is good and left “wide awake”.

Thank you Bono. Thank you Cleveland.



