
In a very difficult moment in practice, I will often note to students, “don’t miss this”. These are words from my teacher (J.Kest) to encourage us all to step into the uncomfortable moments, even when the ancient mind is trying to keep us out of discomfort. To stay in those moments & realize something sparkly new about ourselves and feel into some new galaxy of existence, is not to be missed.

Recently I ran into a student who moved and I had not seen in class for a long time. He said, you know what I miss the most about your classes (while sort of cracking up as he was speaking)? In the middle of some crazy challenging moment, you say “don’t miss this”. He shared that those words encouraged him in the 5 minute plank and inspired him to stay and explore the edges of the discomfort in order to grow.

The phrase has become a bit of a mantra for me. Silently in a difficult moment that I would really like to run and hide from, I repeat the words, “don’t miss this”. Maybe I will find something new about myself that I didn't even know I was capable of.

Try it out for yourself ❤️

Big love,




