
I was lucky enough to be at the U2 concert in the Cleveland Browns Stadium a couple of summer’s ago for an “epic night” of music and heart opening energy.

Witnessing that kind of electrifying joy amongst a gazillion people is something I could use right now.

So I have been listening to a recording of the night that my husband was able to dig up. As I listen, I feel a version of what I felt that night.

As Bono begins the song “Bad” (one of my all time favorites) he speaks so eloquently to the crowd and says “let this be one of this epic nights…where we hold tight to what lifts us up…and (let go of that ) which holds us back…a night we surrender….we let it go…we need it”.

I have taken that mantra of sorts to “hold tight to what lifts us up” and put that on replay in my mind. I keep returning over and over to that which lifts me up. I can hear Bono speaking those words in my mind and then I can feel them in my body. I have a visceral response of holding tight to the moments, the faces, the memories, the hopes - all of that which lifts me up. And then, miraculously, I feel uplifted.

We can do this.

Thank you Bono.

❤️ Tammy



