
I am working on a bigger piece of writing during these strange times. This is an excerpt. I would love your feedback on how this piece feels to you - in your body.

…This may be the longest definition of yoga you have ever read. It is not a factual definition, it is experiential. It is culmination of my 20+ years of practice and 18+ years of owning yoga studios and teaching over 5000 yoga classes and witnessing thousands of students practice.

Yoga is many things to many people. It is to me, at the very beginning, a sacred healing. It is also a form of meditation, and contemplation, it is a form of exercise, and a form of energy building. Yoga is self-expression and therapy. It is a devotion, a prayer, an acknowledgment of the divine knowing. Yoga is a mat, a mountain, a studio, a breath, a movement. It is a deep listening, a conversation with the body, a place and a space to hear the whispers of the heart and the needs of the whole being.

Yoga is breath, movement, extension, contraction, going backwards and going forwards, twisting and turning. Yoga is the undeniable life and it is death. It is the birth of something new and the letting go of the old self. A shedding of the layers that bind the body and cover the deepest knowing of the truth. Yoga is sound and vibration, pulsation, inspiration, oscillation, circulation. It is a form of the most profound surrender and the most glorious uprising.

Yoga is me and it is you and it is us….

Big love,



