
What we pay attention to matters. It requires incredible discipline to pay attention to what moves you forward in the direction you want to head. As humans, what we pay attention has always been difficult, but today, this important practice may be more challenging than ever.

But we have our time on our mat to grow this tool.

On the mat, practice paying attention to the quality of your breath. Are you pulling it in through your nose and moving it into your body, inflating your lungs (sounding like an ocean) and fully pressing it out? Are you paying attention to feeling the bodily sensations arising as you move into each pose? Can you pay attention to moving your body in space as you breathe in alignment with the movement? Can you feel which muscles are engaging and which ones are extending? Can you feel your heart opening?

These are valuable cues to keep building your pay-attention-muscles.

It is often said, love is the quality of attention we pay ♥️

Big love, Tammy



