I love snow! In the winter, I am happy if it snows every day!
To me, snow is magical and transformative, it makes the world sparkle and when I see it falling from the sky, I feel “little kid excited”!
I realize that it can cause traffic jams and accidents and I realize it makes life a little trickier, but I try to embrace it when it falls and love it for what it is.
Recently a dear friend who has been an IBY student since our early days, reminded me that years ago we had a conversation about snow and I shared with her some version of what I shared above. She was not previously not a fan of snow and even as a skier, snow in day to day life seemed like a pain in the rear to her. But she heard my enthusiasm and saw my face light up talking about snow, and it encouraged her to reconsider her relationship with snow. She shared with me that since our conversation, she has embraced snow and loves it when it falls!
It prompted me to wonder, if we can change our relationship with snow, what else can we change our relationship with? What do we currently resist, refuse and repel that we could learn to embrace? What can we change our relationship with in order to uplift our day to day lives? It’s a long list! Let’s practice with snow today!
Big love, Tammy