
Good winter wonderland morning!

I missed you the end of last week!

Today, I offer you a valuable practice to consider:

Notice how you feel with people. Notice if you feel expansive or contracted. Notice how you feel throughout the day in your work, responsibilities and daily activities. Notice when you feel expansive and when you feel contracted. When do you find yourself curling inward and when do you feel yourself expanding, reaching and stretching out?

Notice, in your body, how it feels in those moments of expansion and how it feels in the moments of contraction. Notice the level of your energy in these moments. Notice how connected you feel to your heart in these moments.

There is not a need to judge these observations in and of themselves, but the awareness you gain from noticing this simple, bodily response is valuable.

Have fun noticing today and playing in the snow if you are in the CLE!

Big love,



