
Good morning!

Yesterday was the beginning of our 14 Day Experience and over these next 2 weeks, I will be sharing some pieces of The Experience with you. Below is one of the rituals offered as an idea to enhance the practices of turning inward for a deep listening to the soul.

Creating a sacred space in your home:

While this may seem daunting, it can be very simple and a powerful way to set some change in motion. Simply find a space where you can be alone and choose 3 items to set the space. Consider, something to sit on, something to look at and something to hold onto. For example, a favorite blanket or pillow to sit on, a picture or little trinket that reminds you of something or someone you love and a book, piece of jewelry or mala beads/rosary to hold in your hand. Once you have that space, each time you walk past it or into it, you are reminded how special you are. Once you have created a sacred space, you could consider sitting down in it and breathing deeply for 5 minutes.

I hope this sounds lovely to you and you are inspired to give it a try!

Have a great Monday!

Warmly, Tammy



