a yoga mindset.

Here is a fun question to consider: How does your yoga practice infiltrate your life off the mat?

We know for sure that our time on the mat influences us in countless ways ranging from knowing how to use the breath to change our state, to understanding the value of presence and truly being where our feet are in each moment, to remembering the importance of deodorant. I’m kidding about the deodorant - sort of, lol!

There are so many micro ways that our yoga practice sneaks into the fabric of our being and surprises us in moments like these…

  • The unexpected surge of patience that comes out of nowhere when sitting in traffic…

  • The way you can pay attention to someone you love even when they are rambling on and on…

  • The incredible range of motion that that gives you freedom to play, climb, dive in, or even stand on your hands…

  • The countless shapes you can make out of your body and the endless tricks you have up your sleeve to presence yourself…

  • The way you hear your body speak to you in the voice of love…

  • The intuition that builds gradually but suddenly, is always right…

  • The way you feel more connected to the divine - in all the forms it may take on…

  • The way you see others…really see them.

A yoga mindset, a yoga lifestyle, a yoga way of being happens when we are breathing and moving together, falling over and getting back up together, turning and twisting together, getting stronger together, getting more supple together and when we are in the moment together. We change together.

It’s magic.

Ask the questions: Where is yoga showing up in your life? How is your practice making your life better?


the long haul.


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