the long haul.

I’m writing from Whistler, British Columbia this morning! 

Tomorrow at 6 am my husband Marc and I will embark upon a physically demanding and spiritually evocative journey of climbing 29029 feet over the course of 36 hours to ascend the same number of feet as climbing Mt. Everest.

The endurance event, 29029 Everesting, inspires a turning towards challenge as a way to grow personally and for us, spiritually.

For as long as I can remember, endurance has been my medicine as much as it is my gift. It’s no accident that IBY is over 22 years old, lol.

The long haul is my jam.

Once I am determined, I am not easily derailed. Along the course I may fall apart, collapse inward, get really ugly, forget my why, need those around me to remind me why I started out to begin with & I sometimes even flirt with giving up.

If I am really desperate, I may go so far as to devise a plan to exit, but my inner grit usually wins.

That grit is my buddy. Rough around the edges but so powerful! The part of me that is relentless and fierce.

I am sharing this with you all as my “before" state of mind and hope to write after we finish and share how the event has changed me. I am also writing to remind myself that tomorrow I will fall apart, I will get ugly tired and I will want to give up. And I am remembering as I share with you all, that I have it within me to keep going no matter what! Remembering my buddy, grit.

I got on my mat this morning to breathe and move and listen to my body. She is ready. This I know for sure. But, me and her will be in constant communication as we climb the mountain together, always respecting one another. She and I will climb.

On the other side, I hope to feel stronger to climb the mountains in my mind. The ones that require no physical movement just so much determination around changing the thoughts and the self imposed limitations that hold me back at times. I hope to gain a new enthusiasm for inner growth and creative expansion!

Thank you for being there for me! I feel your support!

Big love,

*You can follow us if you like on the 29029 Everest website.


lessons from the mountain.


a yoga mindset.