
I am committed to learning how to lead and offer Yoga Nidra this summer.

I feel called to honor the act of rest and resting more, both personally as well as for students. While I will always value building high energy, enthusiasm, elevated vibration and of course, an inner fire - I feel the need to match that raising of it all, with rest.

Sleep is so important but can also be elusive while rest is also so valuable and more accessible. We can commit to rest and simply put ourselves in a position to rest.

For example, the rest we get in savasana is so restorative. It’s not sleeping (well sometimes we actually do fall asleep) but it is like this magical state between awake and sleep - like floating amidst the stars. That’s what it feels like for me.

Rest (especially in savasana) is an ease that washes over me and lulls me into a state of relaxation that is absolutely decadent.

I am hoping to offer Yoga Nidra this fall but in the meantime, I encourage you all to find ways to rest. Put yourself in savasana at home, come to practice and linger in savasana as long as possible, enjoy savasana completely - never miss it!

See you in savasana!




the exhale.