Random Acts of Bliss
Join us for a day dedicated to reaching out into your world and performing random acts of (kindness) bliss.
Why? Because you never know how a simple act of kindness could impact someone's day!
On December 15, 2017, we invite you to find your own ways to randomly make someone's day and if you like, share it with us! In case you need a little nudge, here are some ideas...
“It is no secret that the act of giving is an important practice for a multitude of reasons. But kindness is a practice and like anything you are trying to grow more of in your life, a concentrated effort is like fertilizer for your soul!”
- Offer a dedicated prayer for someone you know is struggling
- Deliver blankets and coats to the Westside Catholic Center
- Offer a compliment to a stranger
- Give out some unexpected hugs (hold for 3 breaths)
- Write a handwritten note to someone and leave it on their windshield
- Buy a gift card for someone in need
- If you’re in the drivethru line at your favorite coffee shop, pay for the person behind you too
- Smile and say hello to everyone you pass by today
- Be extra nice to the cashier checking you out.
- Love should start at home, so maybe wake up earlier and take coffee in bed to your spouse or give everyone living with you an extra hug or kiss.
- Stick a love note in the kids' lunches or someone’s pocket 😍
- Get up and offer your seat to someone who is standing
- Leave a generous tip
- Put a good surprise in your neighbors mailbox
Ann Voskamp's, author of Be the Gift list:
- Hug someone who might not expect it
- Belly laugh with someone
- Compliment someone who it'd be easier not to
- Share something you have read with someone
- Give away something you find hard to give
- Print a fun photo stuck on your phone and mail it to a friend
- Let someone else have that coveted parking space you have been waiting on
According to Voskamp, "Those who perform five acts of giving over six weeks are happier than those who don't. When you give, you get reduced stress hormone levels, lowered blood pressure, and increased endorphins, and acts of kindness reduce anxiety and strengthen immune system."