Private Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga Sessions at Inner Bliss
Private prenatal and postnatal yoga sessions offer a one on one experience to help support with the physical, mental and emotional changes that occur during and after pregnancy.
“At such a crucial and typically stressful time in many women’s lives, Shannon allows us to take a few precious moments each week to honor ourselves. ”
The intention of prenatal yoga is opening and creating space. Not only is a mother-to-be sharing her body, but she is also preparing to divide her time and energy to take care of another tiny human.
Postnatal yoga helps to rebuild and find your center again. There is a lot of internal healing that has to occur to support a healthy recovery. It is suggested that women wait 6-8 weeks for a vaginal birth, and 12 or more weeks after a cesarean, before returning to the mat.
A prenatal or postnatal yoga private is a way to customize a practice to meet the specific needs of the mother, and offer extra attention and assists.
Privates are available at any trimester or postnatal stage. Email for questions.
Read testimonial from Ashley K:
As I sit here with 35 weeks of my second pregnancy under my hypothetical belt, pillows propping me up and a constant case of acid reflux, there are two things I'm looking forward to in the near future. One is my Pregnant Goddess Flow yoga session with Shannon in a few days and the other is using what I've learned and practiced in class to deliver my second child.
During one of our class icebreakers, when asked which word comes to mind when I think of giving birth, I said 'yoga'. I went on to explain that I have only committed to regular yoga practice during my two pregnancies, which definitely speaks volumes about the experience Shannon provides each week.
We are able to celebrate and focus on womanhood, sisterhood, and motherhood while Shannon guides and assists us through a series of positions geared towards an easier and more flexible pregnancy, labor, and delivery. I do believe my practice helped me to stay calmer and feel stronger during both pregnancies and throughout the birth of my first child; even the nurses and doctor agreed that prenatal yoga was a great decision for me!
At such a crucial and typically stressful time in many women's lives, Shannon allows us to take a few precious moments each week to honor ourselves. She reminds us that taking care of our needs first makes us better mothers, so for the sake of my kids, the choice to continue my post-partum practice with Shannon is a no-brainer. Namaste!