Celebrate International Day of Yoga with Inner Bliss & lululemon athletica - Wednesday, June 21
Yoga is a 5,000-year-old physical, mental and spiritual practice. Having its origin in India, yoga aims to transform both body and mind.
The United Nations General Assembly has declared June 21st as the International Day of Yoga.
Would you like to celebrate the day with Inner Bliss? We are thrilled to be collaborating with our friends at lululemon athletica on June 21 to celebrate yoga with these FREE and FUN class options in three locations!
- 7:00AM Inner Bliss Westlake: fun Follow the Yogi class with Tammy, our lululemon athletica Ambassador. No sign up required, just show up!
- 12:15PM at Public Square: outdoor class with Tammy co-teaching. No sign up required, just show up!
- 5:15PM at Inner Bliss Downtown: Hot Powerful Flow with Katie. Sign up required, but your class fee is waived of courtesy of lululemon athletica! Sign up here →
We hope you can make it to one of these three classes to celebrate yoga in the world on the International Day of Yoga!
Many thanks to our generous friends and partners at lululemon athletica for helping us make this day of celebration possible!
“‘THIS IS YOGA’ It’s all about finding and living our practice, which looks different to everyone. We are taking a stand for the ‘on the mat’ practice in honor of The International Day of Yoga, and also off the mat because we know practice in action leads to a purposeful life. We can experience the soul of yoga on the court/field, in a conversation, in the act of creating art. Yoga is on the mat. It’s off the mat. It’s everywhere. We encourage this entire city to find their practice and to live their purpose.”