5 Ways to Find Stillness in Your Day
The busier you are, the more important it is to find moments of stillness in your day.
Resting is just as important as movement, and helps you find balance. This idea is inspired by these wise words:
"I am hungry to step outside of the habits of technology and the bombardment of stimulation and the routines I have conveniently put into place for myself. I am hungry to learn from silence and see if I am on track with my soul. I am hungry to tame the stimulation and pull back the indulgences. I am hungry to do nothing and let that be enough. Resting rejuvenates my senses of mystery. In this simple act, I find my eyes are shifted to wonder and my heart spontaneously bursts with songs of gratitude." - Deborah Adele, The Yamas & Niyamas (chapter on Brahmacharya)
Slowing down and quieting your mind encourages more presence, and the ability to see the sacred in the mundane. Here are some ways that you can get quiet and still during your ordinary daily routine:
Finding stillness, even for a few minutes, can significantly improve your day!
- Snuggle with your child or pet; there are many benefits to this including reducing overall stress levels.
- Make a homemade face mask, then lie down, relax, and leave on for up to 30 minutes. Try yogurt for an exfoliating mask, or honey can be used for moisturizing!
- Try a few restorative yoga poses, using no effort and supported by props. Holding poses for 3-5 minutes each. Child's pose, supported by a bolster/stack of blankets, legs up the wall and savasana are great options. Breathe.
- Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea and notice the warmth, smells and taste...not doing anything else, just drinking.
- Meditate 10-15 minutes a day to be more productive and improve concentration.
Wondering how to meditate? Come try it aSign up here.
t 11:45AM on Fridays at Inner Bliss Westlake. It's FREE, and it just may be the best 15 minutes of your day. I'd love to share this practice with you.
“The best thing about yoga is how your practice begins on the mat, and then transitions into your life. It becomes something that you live, and feel in your heart and soul. It gives you the ability to see love everywhere. ”
Shannon teaches at Inner Bliss Downtown, Rocky River and Westlake Studios