Teacher Feature: Jackie Quinn!
Meet Jackie!
If you've ever taken a class with Jackie you know that she is a splendid mix of fun, inspiration, knowledge, empathy and warmth.
In addition to her busy weekly teaching schedule at both the Rocky River and Westlake studio locations, Jackie has recently started managing and merchandising the Bliss Boutiques. She has also worked on developing a yoga practice with players on the Cavs, Indians and Browns!
Jackie shared a bit about her path to yoga and what keeps here inspired.
What brought you to yoga?
“My mom was a yoga teacher and she inspired me to take IBY’s teacher training and I have never looked back!”
A friend brought me to Inner Bliss over 10 years ago and I loved it! I enjoyed the workout & the community. The more I practiced the better I felt. I learned it is more than just an amazing workout and how important and beneficial it is to breathe and connect the mind and body. My mom was a yoga teacher and she inspired me to take IBY’s teacher training and I have never looked back!
What keeps you coming back?
I love the breath and movement connection to yoga and the chance to get out of your head and into your body. The poses, the amazing teachers, the music & the way my body feels always keeps me coming back to the mat.
What is the best thing about teaching at Inner Bliss?
The beautiful community of teachers and students. It is so supportive, uplifting and energizing! I always feel better after I spend time at IBY - whether it’s teaching, practicing or working on the boutiques!
What is the most important thing you would like to impart on your students?
That every student is seen and important and special. I am so thankful for the time I get to spend with each student in class and how motivated I feel after spending time with amazing people!
Can you tell a bit about your role managing the boutique at Inner Bliss?
I feel so lucky to help with the IBY Boutiques! I love clothes, shopping and yoga. This role gives me the opportunity to merge my interests in buying and merchandising for all three locations. I enjoy the chance to be creative and to learn more about brands and meet different people in the yoga community.