the evidence.

It is often said, “what you look for, you will find.“

We are master detectives when it comes to finding proof that our assertions are true. Once a belief forms in our minds, the proof that it is true will be everywhere. This is one of the many trippy truths of our human mind, perception and experience.

The example of offered here is the blue car theory. Once you start thinking about getting a blue car, you will see them everywhere. Blue cars driving next to you, parked in the lot and even in commercials you see on tv, etc. We could ask, have the blue cars been there all along? Is our mind making up the blue cars? Or are we just seeing them now, because our awareness of blue cars has heightened?

Where choice enters in, is asking what evidence are we looking for? Are we looking for proof that good exists - even in the middle of this chaotic time? Are we looking for evidence of things happening for us or against us? Are we looking for signs that generosity exists and love is everywhere? We get to choose what proof we are searching for and seeking out.

This is a super fun experiment. Come up with a good truth today - a good thing to believe in. And then set out to see it proven everywhere around you! You can report back in on our comments section if you feel inspired to do so:)

Have fun today oh great detective!

Biggest love,


New Fall Merch at IBY!🍁


keeping track.