
Good morning!

As you open this email, at this very moment, try this:

Close your eyes, and sit up with a tall spine. Recognize your beauty. Acknowledge your beauty. If at first there is resistance, meet it and then forge onward. All of your beauty. Name it and see it, know it and feel it.

Take one deep breath in and press it all the way out.

I know this is a practice that may not come easy. But stay with it. We forget, ignore, resist and even deny seeing our own beauty and yet to see it in others, we must practice seeing it in ourselves. It is all connected.

I am not talking about just your smile or your hair, I mean the beauty on the inside. The way you listen when needed, the warmth in your hugs, the way you care for others or the way you make others feel seen and heard. I mean those beautiful pieces of you 💛.

😊 Let your work today be to pass on this little practice to someone you know will be changed by it.

Big love,




We Are Still Practicing Safely at Inner Bliss