golden today.

Good morning!

Below is a section, from a larger piece of writing I am working on.

May you feel golden today 💛

…I have been trying to come up with another word or group of words to capture that deep, squishy, warm, vibrational, rising of goodness felt when you become acutely aware of the love someone else has shown you, the goodness life has blessed you with or the random act that reminds you humans are benevolent beings at the very core.

“Gratitude” seems to fall short and “appreciation” is a little too cold and “thank you” is overused. Sometimes when I feel the uprising from deep inside upon becoming fully aware of a blessing from another human or from the divine itself, I think to myself “golden”, because that is the word that best captures how I feel. Warm, lit up, illuminated, shone on, shiny & golden…

Big love as you feel into gratitude today for that warmth and illumination ☀️



quiet hands.


meditations from.